Focus T25 U Er

T25 Calories Burned Calculator

How many T25 calories burned in your workout?

T25 is an intense workout system designed for those who have limited time. It promises to deliver an hour’s worth of results in only 25 minutes. Research has shown that very often the majority of the results from a workout come in the first 25 to 30 minutes. This programme is hard work but rewarding if you stick with it.

  • Finderscope until focus is reached (Fig.a). For 6x30 finderscope: loosen the locking ring by unscrewing it back towards the bracket. The front lens holder can now be turned in and out to focus. When focus is reached, lock it in position with the locking ring (Fig.b). Choose a distant object that is at least 500 yards away and point.
  • Jun 23, 2013 Focus T25 Workout Phase 1 Review and Results - Duration: 6:00. Joelle Suess 139,935 views. FOCUS T25 Workout - NEW Shaun T 25 Minute Workouts. You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or a video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). You can only upload a photo or a video.
  • Stuck on your phone. And you're stuck in your zone. You don't have a clue. Pre-Chorus But I don't wanna give up (Give up, give up) Baby, I just want you to get up (Get up, get up) Lately, I've.

One of the top questions people ask when they start using the T25 workouts is “How many T25 calories burned doing this?”

Jul 13, 2016 Shaun T’s Focus T25 calendar is designed to give you better results in less time! Below you’ll find each T25 Schedule and a printable calendar along with some of the questions we’re frequently asked! How many days a week do you do T25? T25 is 5 days a week with a double workout on Friday. Some choose to do the 2nd workout on Saturday.

Many resources will give you average calories burned during a workout – but is that what YOU are burning?

Focus T25 U Er Reviews

On forums you can see how many T25 calories burned by various people for different workouts. And if you are the same weight as them and working out to the same intensity for the same length of time then that will answer your question – but what if your weight is completely different or they do not say how hard they were working, or for how long?

Everyone is different so you have to factor in your weight, how hard you work, how long the activity and what the activity itself consists of. The most accurate way to measure T25 calories burned is to use a heart rate monitor, however if you don’t have a heart rate monitor the T25 calories calculator estimates the calories burned, based on average metabolic rates per intensity.

How do I know the intensity of my workout?

To select the appropriate T25 work out intensity:

  • Low: You could sing while doing your T25 workout
  • Mid: You could talk while doing your T25 workout
  • High: You are out of breath and could not talk while doing your T25 workout

Calculate your T25 calories burned

Below is a simple to use calculator: if you fill in the information required you can find out how many calories YOU have burned. T25 is designed to last for 25 minutes each workout so the minutes are set to 25 by default. If YOU have chosen to workout for longer or shorter than that or have chosen to do two back to back workouts just put in the number of minutes you actually spent.


Dumbbells or Resistance Bands
Yoga Mat or miniMat
Chin-Up Bar (optional)

Upper Body Muscular Endurance Workout

The Gamma Phase is all about strength and this workout personifies that. Like the other resistance workouts in T25, this is not really focused on building muscle or power but rather muscular endurance. Every move is timed and we do as many reps as we can. Make sure you choose the heaviest weight, with which you can effectively finish all the moves. For this workout I would suggest keeping a heavy set and a light set, because the weighted exercises in Superman position are brutal, with even 5 lbs. Compared to the Beta resistance workouts, there is a lot less strict cardio. All the focus is on pounding the chest, shoulders, arms, back and core. However, this workout still moves fast, so you will get your heart rate up. There are more than 50 moves in the 25 minutes, so you are only doing each exercise for less than 30 seconds. Another change from the Beta Phase is the incorporation of the chin-up bar. It is used as an alternative to the weighed back exercises, but I highly recommend you use it if you have it. Likely, the dumbbells that are appropriate for your arms are much too light for your back. In the time provided I was able to knock out more than 50 pull-ups, which was a much better back workout than I got in the Beta Phase. Another great aspect of this workout is all the added instability. We do a lot of exercises on one leg, which activates your core for balance. This is very similar to how Tony Horton uses the same concept in P90X+ and P90X2. Overall this is a great Upper Body workout and in my opinion is vastly superior to Beta Upper Focus.

The Exercises
Exercise #1 – Split Lunge Agility
You should know this from previous T25 workouts. Step one foot up and the other back, and then both together and switch. So the foot is going, up, center, back, center.

Exercise #2 – Low Switch Kick
Keep your heels off the floor and alternate kicking the feet up off the floor a couple inches. Try to add a little more upper focus to this move today.

Exercise #3 – Double Switch Kick
Each time we do the switch kick add a hop, so that you have to balance on each leg a little more.

Exercise #4 – High Switch Kick
Now we are switch kicking higher off the ground. Get as high as you can with a straight back, aim for at least knee height.

Exercise #5 – Static Uppercut
Put your feet together and bend your knees. Now alternate uppercuts, left and right across the body. Squeeze your biceps during the punches.

Exercise #6 – Jack Uppercut
Still doing the uppercut, but now we are jacking the feet in and out.

Exercise #7 – Wide Row or Wide-Grip Pull-Ups
Grab your dumbbells and stand with your feet together. To get into position, bend your knees and push your butt back so that your back is straight. Start the weights together just under your knees. For each rep pull with your back, and push your elbows out wide.

Alternatively, you can get on your chin-up bar and do wide-grip (knuckles facing, you hands at least shoulder width) pull-ups.

Exercise #8 – Single Arm Row (L)
Get into a lunge position Row the weight in the arm corresponding to your back leg, up and down. For the first set we are rowing with the left arm. This is very similar to the Lawnmovers from Beta Rip’t Circuit.

Exercise #9 – Single Arm Row (R)
Same thing on the other side.

Exercise #10 – Straight Arm Fly or Neutral-Grip Pull-Ups
Get into the Superman position, lying on your stomach with your legs and arms extended off the ground. We have the dumbbells in in our hands and swing them back to our butt, with our palms down. Then we bring our hands back in front of our face, keeping them straight throughout the whole movement. The arm motion is very similar to swimming, and we actually do this as part of the swimming section in Gameday from Insanity Asylum Volume 1.

Alternatively, you can get on your chin-up bar and do neutral-grip (knuckles facing out to the side) pull-ups.

Exercise #11 – Lat Pulldown or Neutral-Grip Pull-Ups
We stay in the Superman position with the weights. But now for each rep we bend the arms and pull our elbows down to our lower back. This is like the motion of a pull-up or lat pulldown machine.

Alternatively, continue doing the same pull-ups.

Exercise #12 – Reciprocating Hammer Curl
We stand up with the dumbbells and do Hammer Curls, which are bicep curls but we hold the weights in hammer position (knuckles facing out to the sides, so the weights are straight up and down). We reciprocate them, so the weights should be continuously moving in opposite directions, meeting half way.

Exercise #13 – Tricep Kickback Palms Up
Get into the same flat back position from the Wide Rows, we did earlier. This time start with the dumbbells by your side in a hammer position. Kickback the weights behind you, while turning your palms up at the top. Your elbows should be up and stationary the entire time, so the focus is on your triceps.

Exercise #14 – Tricep Kickback Palms Down
Now we rotate the palms down at the top of the kickbacks.

Exercise #15 – Reciprocating Wide Curl
Now we reciprocate wide bicep curls. Make sure they are wider than standard, so that there are a few inches between the dumbbell and your leg at the bottom.

Exercise #16 – Single Leg (L) Shoulder Press
These are standard shoulder presses (weights by the shoulders, knuckles facing back, pushing the weights up above your head), except we lift the leg off the ground. Keep the knee up in front of your waist. This combination of resistance and instability reminds me of P90X+ or P90X2, and will work your core on top of your shoulders.


Exercise #17 – Single Leg (R) Shoulder Press
Now we put the left foot down and lift the right leg up. Flex the right foot, while it is on the ground.

Exercise #18 – 4-Count Push-Ups
Get down on the ground. These are push-ups, with 4 counts going down and 4 counts going up. We did these in Beta Rip’T Circuit.

Exercise #19 – Upright Row
Stand back up with your dumbbells, holding them with your knuckles facing forward. Your feet should be together. For each rep pull the weights up towards the chin, while pushing your elbows up and out.

Exercise #20 – 2-Count Push-Ups
Just like the 4-Count Push-Ups, but we do 2 counts up and down.

Exercise #21 – 90 degree Shimmy Up
Grab your dumbbells and stand back up. Hold the weights in a hammer position in front of you with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Alternate, pressing each weight up and down. This will burn in your shoulders.

Exercise #22 – 90 degree Shoulder Strug
Now stay in the same position and press the dumbbells together in front of your face. Press the weights up and down together.

Exercise #23 – Basic Shoulder Shrug
Hold the dumbbells down at your side, still in the hammer position. Now shrug the weights ups and down, keeping the arms straight. You should be using your traps to lift up the weight.

Exercise #24 – Standing Rocketman
Now hold the dumbbells together in front of you, width a standard grip (knuckles facing forward. For each reps separate the weights and pull them around your body and connect them behind you. Keep your arms straight the entire time so that your are still using your lats.

Exercise #25 – Reciprocating Lawnmower or Wide-Grip Pull-Ups
Just like the Single Arm Rows we did before, except we reciprocate rows with both arms. You can choose, which leg you want to lunge on.

Alternatively, you can go back to your chin-up bar for more wide-grip pull-ups.

Exercise #26 – Deadlift + Knee Raise (L)
These are Deadlifts on on leg, with dumbbells in your hands. So bend down with a flat back, while extending the leg that is off the floor behind you. When you come back up lift that knee in front of your body.

Exercise #27 – Deadlift + Knee Raise (R)
Now switch the leg that is off the floor. I love the added instability here, you really need to use your core to balance.

Exercise #28 – Deadlift + Shoulder Shrug
Put your foot back on the floor and do a regular Deadlift. Make sure to keep the back straight and the butt back as you bend down. When you come back up to the top do a Shoulder Shrug.

Exercise #29 – Reciprocating Push Press
Lie on the floor, with the dumbbells in a hammer position next to your chest. Reciprocate pushing each weight up, using the chest to press. Keep your head off the floor in a slight crunch position.

Exercise #30 – Dual Push Press + Knees 90 degrees
Now Push Press both weights simultaneously, but the legs are lifted off the ground, with the knees bent at 90 degrees. You should feel this in your abs, as well as your chest.

Exercise #31 – 90 degree Hold Bicep Curl (R)
Now we switch arms. Make sure your head is still off the ground.

Exercise #32 – Reciprocating Push Press + 6″ Hold
We go back to the Reciprocating Push Press, but this time our legs are pushed out straight, 6″ off the ground.

Exercise #33 – Dual Push Press + Scissor Legs
Go back to the Dual Push Press, but this time scissor the legs. So every time your push the weights to the top, one leg should be extended straight as high as you can. Then when you bring the weights to the bottom, the other leg should be at the top. Make sure to flex the feet, and keep your head in that crunch position.

Exercise #34 – Down Dog + Plank
Get on the mat and just go back and forth between Downward Dog (butt in the air, heels pushed back) and Plank.

Exercise #35 – Down Dog + Alternating Leg Plank
Continue the same move, but we go into single leg planks each time we come out of Downward Dog. Alternate, the foot that is on the ground each time.

Exercise #36 – Down Dog + Alternating Leg Push-Up
Same thing except, when we come out of Downward Dog, we do a single leg push-up.

Exercise #37 – Down Dog + Oblique Push-Up
This time when we come out of Downward Dog, we do a push-up, while bending the leg that is off the ground and bringing the knee to the elbow. You should feel this in your obliques.

Exercise #38 – High Hook
Stand up, with your feet spread and do alternating high hook punches with your arms. Your left fist should end up to the right of your face and vice versa.

Exercise #39 – Low Hook + Squat Hold
Keep hooking with your arms, but sink into a low squat.

Exercise #40 – Low Jack Uppercut
These are like the Jack Uppercuts we did in the beginning, but we keep our legs bent and stay low.

Exercise #41 – Crossdown Punch Jack
Keep jacking the feet, but punch down with your hands. Your right fist should be in front of your left thigh and vice versa.

Exercise #42 – Superman Pulse
Get back into Superman position with your dumbbells, like before. Now just pulse up and down a few inches, using your lower back to lift you.

Focus t25 u er plus

Exercise #43 – Rocketman Pulse
Stay down, but bring your hands back next to your thighs, palms facing up. Pulse up and down a few inches.

Focus T25 U Er

Exercise #44 – Single Leg Dual Curl (L)
Stand up, keeping the weights in your hand. This is just like the Single Leg Shoulder Press (one knee lifted up), but we are doing dual bicep curls instead.

Exercise #45 – Single Leg Dual Curl (R)
Switch the leg that is off the ground.

Focus T25 U Error

Exercise #46 – Single Leg (L) Tricep Press
Switch the legs again. Now press the weights together above your head in a hammer position. Do Tricep Presses, by lowereing the weights down behind you and then bringing them back up above your head. Keep your elbows still the entire time, to work the triceps.

Exercise #47 – Single Leg (R) Tricep Press
Keep going, but switch the leg that is lifted off the ground.

Exercise #48 – Arm Push-Up Jack
Get down into a plank position. This is like a Push-Up Jack, but using the arms instead of the legs. Pop your arms out wide and go straight down into a wide push-up. When you come up, pop them back into a standard plank position and repeat.

Exercise #49 – Arm Push-Up Jack + Knee In
Keep doing the Arm Push-Up Jacks, but each time you come up bring a knee in to the same side elbow. Alternate with knee comes in each time.

Exercise #50 – 4-Count Curl Press (L)
Get back up with your dumbbells. Again we are balancing on one leg, like before. Start with your weights down by your side and do a dual bicep curl, taking 4 counts from the bottom to the top. Then rotate the dumbbells around 360 degrees and do a dual shoulder press, taking 4 counts to reach the top. Then take 4 counts to come back down to the top of the bicep curl and another 4 to come back to the start.

Exercise #51 – 4-Count Curl Press (R)
We do the same move with the other leg held in the air.

Exercise #52 – 2-Count Curl Press (L)
Switch legs again, but this time we take 2 counts for each segment of the move.

Exercise #53 – 2-Count Curl Press (R)
Repeat on the other side.

Right after the main 25 minute workout, there is an additional cooldown that is stretches out your upper body. I highly recommend you complete these every time, unless you are doing doubles, in which case just do it after the second workout.