Iina Modern Video Player Manual


A video player SDK for iOS, it is based on AVPlayer.


  • Supports horizontal and vertical playback
  • Supports auto-rotating screen playback
  • Supports the full-screen and mini-player playback
  • Supports mini-player position to drag freely
  • Supports the network and local video playback
  • Supports full-screen lock
  • Supports playback while downloading (Media Cache)
  • Supports vertical slide on the left side of the screen to adjust the brightness
  • Supports the vertical slide on the right side of the screen to adjust the volume
  • Supports gesture swipe fast-forward and rewind
  • Supports drag slider fast-forward and rewind
  • Supports direct jump to a point in the timeline to play
  • Supports multiple video formats
  • Supports UITableView playback
  • Supports UICollectionView playback
  • Supports UIScrollView playback
  • Supports background playback
  • Supports play sound in silent mode by default
  • Supports speed rate playback (0.5x, 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2.0x)
  • Supports custom player view
  • Supports advertising view
  • Supports adding Http headers and other options to AVURLAsset
  • Supports iPhone X and above
  • Supports iOS 13 +
  • FFmpeg is not supported because OpenGL ES was deprecated in iOS 12


Each player plugs into an associated RCA Audio jack and Control connector which are identified as Player1, Player2 & Player3. Most jukeboxes only have two players for 36 CD's (about 540 songs). But, with the PioCJ-SD player, you can have all three players for 54 CD's and each CD can have up to 99 tracks. ©2018-2019 iina.io You can find the source code of this website on GitHub. If you are interested in translating this website to your language, please feel free to contact us.

  • iOS 10 +
  • Xcode 11 +


You can install FWPlayer SDK in several ways:


CocoaPods is an easy way to install FWPlayer.

  1. Add following pod to your Podfile:
  1. Then, run the following command:
  1. Switch over to Build Phases and add a New Run Script Phase by clicking the + in the top left of the editor. Add the following command to solve the issue of App Store submission.


Since FWPlayer SDK is distributed as a binary, you need to use custom binary rule in your Cartfile.

  1. Add following to your Cartfile:
  1. Fetch framework by running:

Manual Installation

  1. Add the FWPlayer framework to Embedded Binaries for your target:
  1. Make sure you link with the following Linked Frameworks and Libraries:


Normal Style



To play the next or previous video, just set:



  • To play the next video, please call method playTheNext
  • To play the previous video, please call method playThePrevious
  • To play the video from the asset list, please call method playTheIndex:index

For example, play the next video:




List Style



  • Your custom playerManager must conform to FWPlayerMediaPlayback protocol.
  • Your custom controlView must conform to FWPlayerMediaControl protocol.

Must implement in the ViewController if video rotating



If use playback while downloading (Media Cache)

The function playback while downloading (Media Cache) does NOT support m3u8, it is commonly used for MP4.

  1. Setup isEnableMediaCache


Iina modern video player manual



Iina Modern Video Player Manual 2017

  1. Setup NSAppTransportSecurity in your Info.plist





Iina Modern Video Player Manual Download


(Foks)Hui Wang, [email protected]


Iina Modern Video Player Manual Pdf

FWPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.